“it is easy to forgive a small child afraid of the dark, but not a full-grown man afraid of the light.”

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Condition: Diarrhea. Believe it or not, diarrhea causes over 2 million deaths per year. It is the second leading cause of death in children worldwide. Diarrhea is dangerous because it causes dehydration, an often fatal condition. It is most common in Southeast Asia and in Africa.
Causes: Diarrhea is caused by viral infections, parasites, or bacteria. These microorganisms are spread primarily through contaminated drinking water. Poor personal and food hygiene, lack of access to sanitation facilities, and lack of basic health education propagate the spread of the condition. Poverty is a major social factor that contributes to the spread of diarrhea, as it is most common in the developing world.
Effects: Dehydration is the most dangerous effect of diarrhea. When a person has frequent, loose bowel movements, they lose water, along with other important nutrients. Symptoms of dehydration include lethargy, headaches, decreased blood pressure, sunken eyes, wrinkled skin, and dimmed vision. Eventually, it is fatal.
Treatment: Obviously, the most effective treatment for diarrhea would be prevention. However, in many parts of the world where access to clean water is scarce, complete prevention would be nearly impossible. However, when a person is suffering from dehydration, the treatment is simple. It is called oral re-hydration therapy (ORT), and it consists of a pinch of salt, a handful of sugar, and a liter of water. In addition, zinc tablets have recently been found to play a significant role in treating diarrhea. Although prevention would be ideal, zinc, coupled with ORT, is an extremely cheap, simple, and effective treatment for diarrhea and subsequent dehydration. The cost is less than $0.30 per child, yet millions of children continue to die from this condition every year.

Recent News about Diarrhea
Can One Pill Tame the Illness No One Wants to Talk About?
Diarrhea Death Toll Reaches 58 in Just One District in Nepal
Diarrhea, Still 2nd Leading Cause of Death Among Children

If YOU want to do something about Diarrhea, YOU can support these organizations:
Save the Children
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
U.S. Agency for International Development
Living Water International


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